The Standard Procedure for Obtaining an MSO: Navigating the Process of Obtaining a Manufacturer's Statement of Origin (MSO)

A Comprehensive Guide


The Manufacturer's Statement of Origin (MSO) is a pivotal document in the lifecycle of a new vehicle, serving as its first official record. Understanding the standard procedure for obtaining an MSO is essential for consumers and dealers alike. This blog post aims to provide an authoritative overview of how an MSO is typically issued and transferred, outlining the roles of manufacturers, dealerships, and buyers in this process.

Issuance of MSO by Manufacturers

  • Direct Issuance to Dealerships: When a new vehicle is produced and ready for distribution, the manufacturer issues an MSO directly to the dealership. This document signifies that the vehicle is newly manufactured and lists essential details such as the make, model, VIN, and year of manufacture.

  • Importance in Vehicle Sales: The MSO plays a critical role in the sale of new vehicles, as it is the first official document that records the vehicle’s existence and its compliance with manufacturing standards.

Dealership’s Role in Transferring the MSO

  • Responsibility of the Dealership: The dealership, upon receiving the MSO from the manufacturer, holds the responsibility of transferring it to the buyer. This transfer usually occurs at the time of the vehicle purchase.

  • Integrating MSO into the Sales Process: For consumers, obtaining the MSO is typically a seamless part of the vehicle purchasing process. Dealerships integrate the transfer of the MSO as part of finalizing the sale and initiating the vehicle registration process.

The MSO in Vehicle Registration

  • Facilitating Legal Registration: In many cases, the dealership will use the MSO to facilitate the issuance of the vehicle title and registration in the buyer's name. This is a key step in transitioning the vehicle from being a dealership inventory item to a legally registered asset of the consumer.

  • Consumer Awareness: While the dealership handles the MSO, it is beneficial for buyers to be aware of this process. Understanding the significance of the MSO in establishing the legality and authenticity of their new vehicle is crucial.


Obtaining the Manufacturer's Statement of Origin is a fundamental step in the journey of owning a new vehicle. The standard procedure, involving the manufacturer, dealership, and buyer, ensures that the MSO is correctly issued, transferred, and utilized for vehicle registration. Awareness of this process is important for consumers, as it underscores the authenticity and legal compliance of their new vehicle. By understanding the role of the MSO, buyers can ensure a smooth and informed vehicle purchasing experience.

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